Estimated Mileage: 14.6 miles Estimated Time: 20 minute

Vermont Route 232 is a 14.6 miles long, tight technical, roller-coaster road through Groton State Forest. Repaved in 2010, the surface is near perfect, except for some mid-corner gravel from the newly constructed shoulders. The road is sporting-fun and runs through Vermont woods that are a worthwhile destination of their own.
The State generously posted the road's speed limit at 50 mph: don't expect a high speed ride though. Limited site lines, slow moving cars, campers, buses and trucks are some of the reasons to ride cautiously. Narrow shoulders with no run off means a mistake will put you into the woods, often down a steep embankment. Do not expect there to be cell phone coverage if you go off the side. The nearest emergency room is 30 minutes away - at least - so an accident could mean serious consequences.
Ride 232 as a series of gentle rollers; take time to enjoy the road's flowing lines. Short, tight corners and rapid rising hills can you give a feeling of weightlessness when you ride them smoothly. Try riding the road without brakes. Practice late apex entries, while maintaining your line well inside of the double-yellow.
There are few views from road itself. Groton State Forest is another matter. Groton State Forest is 26,000 acres and the largest contiguous land holding of the State of Vermont. Five State parks -- Ricker, Stillwater, Seyon Lodge, Boulder Beach, and Big Deer are located within Groton State Forest. The 748-acre Peacham Bog Natural Area is the largest bog in the state. If motorcycle camping is your thing, this is a great base of operations. If you prefer not to tent, Ricker State parks has cottages and cabins for rent.
The road is fun to ride in either direction and can be used as a connection in a north-south route or as an eastern destination from points west. The road connects US-2 in Marshfield on the north and US-302 in Wells River on the south.
A north-south route that incorporates 232 and Vermont Route 25 would give two sporting opportunities on pavement fresh in 2010. Use VT-215 or VT-14 to connect to points north. As an eastern destination, ride either US-2 or US-302 east and then use 232 to connect to the other.
