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Bob LoCicero

VT-100 Alternatives: Part 2 - VT-14

Estimated Mileage: 93.5 miles Estimated Time: 2 Hours, 54 mins


Fourteen runs from South Royalton to Coventry and can be combined with VT-12 and VT-110 to create mid-state loops that offer variety, twisty bits and low traffic counts. You can also ride the northern section from US-2 in East Montpelier to the VT-100 intersection five miles south of Newport Vermont.VT-14 feels grittier than VT-100 and has pockets of fast twisty road that make it more sporty than VT-12

In East Randolph Messier's General Store provides a nice rest stop with outdoor benches, a real payphone and a clean, country feel. One warning: in 2009 Messier's had no indoor bathroom. A clean port-a-potty provided the customer facilities. The VT-66 junction is just north of Messier's, making this stop convenient to VT-12.

Running north from Messier's, VT-14 goes through the small towns of North Randolph, East Brookfield, and Williamstown. There is a nice set of twisties just north of East Brookfield.

The fun comes to end when you enter Barre, a full-on Vermont city. You will pass near-by Wilkins Harley Davidson just before VT-14 intersects with US-302. 302 runs through Barre and provides a major east-west route running between Montpelier and northern New Hampshire. Mid-day weekend traffic on US-302 is often high and contains vacation bound campers and RV's. Barre has a large number of food and fuel choices that provide a services.

North of Barre VT-14 pass through East Montpelier where the road opens again to the country-road, sweepers and straights pattern found in the southern section. Hardwick is the next town that provides food, fuel and restrooms.The section near Craftsbury is fun provided you're early enough in the day to avoid traffic.

Newport is an overlooked destination that has a quite waterfront park on Lake Memphremagog that is a great places to sit, relax and enjoy the view. The Newport downtown area has restaurants, shops and services. Why more people do not take advantage of this place is a mystery to me.

Key Approximate Mileage:

  • South Royalton to North Royalton - 4 miles

  • North Royalton to East Randolph - 9 miles

  • East Randolph to East Brookfield (VT-65) - 6 miles

  • East Brookfield to Williamstown - 7.5 miles

  • Williamstown to Barre - 6 miles

  • Barre to East Montpelier - 5.5 miles

  • East Montpelier to Hardwick - 21 miles

  • Hardwick to Irasburg - 23 miles

  • Irasburg to VT-100 - 11 miles



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