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MotoVermont to Run North East Backcountry Discovery Route Tour

Bob LoCicero

Updated: Mar 13, 2020

An exciting new tour from MotoVermont!

Two riders taking a break on the Northeast Backcountry Discovery Route
Two riders taking a break on the Northeast Backcountry Discovery Route

This May South Burlington VT based MotoVermont will lead their inaugural tour of the newly released North East Backcountry Discovery Route (NE BDR). The fully supported guided tour will run May 28, 2020 through June 5, 2020, covering the entire 1,400 mile route.

The North East Backcountry Discovery Route is a mostly off-pavement route through unique rural areas, designed for dual-sport and adventure motorcycles. The route runs from Hancock, New York to Jackman, Maine on the Canadian boarder.

The NE BDR was created by Backountry Discovery Routes, a 501c3, non-profit organization whose goal is to create routes that promote tourism and economically sustainable relief to less-advantaged rural communities. The NE BDR is the tenth route the organization has created and the second east coast route.

Motorcyclist on the North East Backcountry Discovery Route
Motorcyclist on the North East Backcountry Discovery Route

The MotoVermont tour includes 8 nights lodging and 14 meals, and is supported by 3 guides and a support vehicle. Each day the support vehicle ferries rider luggage to the next stop making the tour considerably lighter for riders. Riders can rent a motorcycle for the tour and a backup motorcycle and tools are available in the support vehicle. MotoVermont provides ground transportation from local airports for the tour.

Eric Milano of MotoVermont was one of the key members of the NE BDR design team. Milano was integral in designing the Vermont section of the route, calling on his extensive knowledge of Vermont’s off-road riding and touring. Several of the route designers will join the tour and ride along.

For complete information on MotoVermont’s upcoming BDR tour, see their website.



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