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Hardwick to Lake Willoughby via VT-16

Bob LoCicero

Estimated Mileage: 47.3 miles Estimated Time: 1 hour, 37 mins


This ride features sweepers, new pavement (2007) and a nice destination -- Lake Willoughby. Lake Willoughby is one of deepest lakes in Vermont at 300' and has a nice public beach with a bath house for changing.

Unless you're coming from Quebec, you will most likely being coming from the south. The town of Hardwick is a major junction for VT-15 from the West and VT-14 from Montpelier.

Hardwick offers all of the usual amenities, including gas and a diner. The town is becoming known for it's restaurants and markets that featuring locally grown food. See this story from NPR and this Gourmet Magazine show for more information about food in Hardwick.

The intersection of VT-15 and VT-16 is just east of Hardwick center. Follow VT-15 through Hardwick: VT-16 will be on your left.

VT-16 is mostly, fast, smooth sweepers with some short twisty bits thrown in. The road has a very uncrowded feeling with few towns and cars. Greensboro Bend is the only town of "size" between Hardwick and Willoughby. Greensboro does not have a gas station on VT-16, so make sure you have enough fuel to travel the twenty miles between Hardwick and Glover.




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